Samstag, 31. August 2013

How to delete (or save / extract) large attachments in google mail / gmail to save storage in your google account

Google tells you that on GMAIL you never have to delete attachments, because you get such huge amount of storage. This might be correct for a very low traffic user, but if you really do a lot of business with it and have lots and large amount of attachments, it won't be enough by far.

There are nice attempts to resolve this automatically, but they all fail. A good example is IMAPSize, but I haven't found anybody who was successful with this tool.

Therefore I think there's still one solution to solve:

  • Install Thunderbird E-Mail Clinet
  • goto GMAIL web client, goto 'settings' and turn IMAP on, and check settings for deleting emails through IMAP
  • Goto Thunderbird and add your Gmail account with IMAP acces to / Port 993, username and passwort
  • access then to your e-mails and chose 'all e-mails', click on the size column to get the largest e-mails. 
  • click once on the e-mail on top and check the details below. On the very buttom you can see the attachments where you have then the options to delete /all and extract / all. 
  • act as desired and very important - press the delete key - because thunderbird will create a copy of the e-mail without the attachments anyway and leave the original as it is! So if you don't press the delete-key both of the e-mails will remain there. One with and one without the attachment
  • please consider your IMAP / delete - settings in the GMAIL web clients if you face any problems.
Hope this is more or less clear and works fine for you ... as well as for me ... ;-))

Freitag, 9. August 2013

How to convert Word 2003 Document to PDF for free

How to convert Word 2003 Document to PDF for free with (free) Google Drive

1. Open your Google Drive 

2. Pick red upward arrow and chose 'UPLOAD' / 'DOCUMENT'

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3. As soon as the Word document has been uploaded, select the document in the checkbox left of the document  

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Window Taste funktioniert nicht (bei Medion Erazer)

Window Key not working any more (on Medion Erazer)

Falls plötzlich die Window-Taste beim Medion Erazer nicht mehr funktioniert, könnte es daran liegen, dass diese Taste aus versehen gedrückt worden ist:

Bei mir war das auch der Fall. Ich hatte zuerst keine Ahnung und habe mich beim Medion Support gemeldet. Diese hatten scheinbar auch keine Ahnung und wollten, dass ich das Notebook einschicke.

Zum Glück habe ich es dann selber noch gemerkt ... ;-))

How to watch MP4 Videos (from Teleboy) on XBOX 360 (convert for free with FormatFactory)

How to watch MP4 Videos (from Teleboy) on XBOX 360 /  (German: wie kann ich Videos von herunterladen, konvertieren und auf der XBOX 360 anschauen)

Download the MP4 files as needed from (PRO account needed to download video files) and then use the free converter from FormatFactory (I used version 3.1.1), but just make sure to suppress all the unnecessary rubbish (banners, add-ons etc) while installing the FormatFactory.

Start FormatFactory,  chose "Mobile Gerät" then drag/drop drag/drop the original video files to the field "Dateiname" and click on "Zieldatei einstellen" and there select Microsoft / XBOX 720p MPEG4. Then press two times OK (to close both windows) and press start in the main panel to convert the video file.

That's it - good luck!

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