Donnerstag, 29. Januar 2015

Hotline / phone number from Ebay Customer Care in U.S.

Since it's almost impossible to find a phone number from Ebay U.S. Customer support I'll provide the contact information right here:

Phone: 1 866 540 32 29

If the number has changed, just use the following link to get a phone number from PayPal and they can forward you to Ebay Support:

or direct to phone no:

Dienstag, 27. Januar 2015

Wie Google Tracks / My Tracks in Google Maps oder Google Earth anzeigen?

Wenn man die Tracks unter der 'My Tracks' App auf dem Handy mit dem Google Drive syncht, dann  am besten Google Drive öffnen ( und dort unter "meine Ablage" / "meine Tracks" den entsprechenden Track doppelklicken und dann wird die Route automatisch auf einer Karte angezeigt und der Name kann dort sogar noch geändert werden.

Alternativ Google Earth herunterladen und starten und die (lokale, replizierte) ".KML" Datei (falls mit Google Drive Sync gearbeitet wird) mit der Maus nach Google Earth hinüberziehen.

Sonntag, 18. Januar 2015

How to get rid of the compatibilitycheck.exe trojan / adware / virus

How to get rid of the compatibilitycheck.exe trojan / adware / virus

This virus / adware can really be a pain because somtimes in consumes most of the computer's cpu and memory!

  • First I tried with FreeFixer as advised bei several pages but it didn't work
  • then I started my computer (Win7) in secure mode (press F8 while restarting)
  • I opened the folder "C:\Users\..*your username*...\AppData\Roaming\Compatibility Verifier" and 
    • deleted both of the files: 
      • compatibilitycheck.exe
      • compatibilitychecksvc.exe
    • then made 2 new TXT.files with right click of the mouse in this directory with same name as the 2 above deleted files
  • Then I restarted computer in normal mode and it worked fine - no problems with compatibilitycheck virus again
  • But of course - it's not the perfect solution because the virus is still there in the system somehow and if you occasionally delete the whole folder "C:\Users\..*your username*...\AppData\Roaming\Compatibility Verifier" the virus will detect it and reinstall his original version and you can start to remove from scratch
  • Therefore I will try now with other malware scanners (like Malware-Bytes Antimalware) to remove it completely
  • Update Jan. 19th 2015:
    • Unfortunately sometime later the virus was installed again from some other program, but I was able to find and kill with Malware-Bytes Antimalware:

      as you can see it was stored in a db23.exe file in c:\windows\temp

Samstag, 17. Januar 2015

"Video DVD Maker Free" contains extreme Adware like Virus !!!! Don't Install !!!

Download-Sites containing this virus "compatibilitycheck.exe":

To uninstall:
  • deactivate corresponding 'service' ("Dienst" in german) with same name
  • Restart PC
  • Delete folder:   ....\AppData\Roaming\Compatibility Verifier

Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2015

Wie stelle ich mein Google Konto (z.B. Google Play) auf ein anderes Land um? / How do I set my Google account (such as Google Play) to another country?

<<< English translation below >>>


Wie stelle ich mein Google Konto (z.B. Google Play) auf ein anderes Land um?

Beim Rest des Kontos ist es in der Regel nicht so entscheidend, in welchem Land man angemeldet ist, aber im Android Store / Google Play sind einige Apps in einigen Ländern nicht oder zu anderen Preisen verfügbar und somit lohnt sich eine Umstellung des Landes, wenn man länger im Ausland ist oder sogar in ein anderes Land auswandert.

Ich habe lange gegoogelt, aber nichts Brauchbares gefunden, nur ein paar Anhaltspunkte und ein paar Leute, die per Zufall erfolgreich waren, aber hier die Anleitung, wie es sicher funktioniert:

  1. Anmeldung bei Google und dann zu Google Wallet gehen:
  2. Dort muss die Auslandadresse erfasst werden und als "Standardversandadresse" ausgewählt werden
  3. Danach unter den Zahlungsmethoden ( eine Kreditkarte erfassen, die als Zahladresse die oben genannte Auslandadresse hat. Wenn man die Karte schon erfasst hat und nur die Adresse noch anpassen muss, dann rechts unter 'Bearbeiten' klicken und die vorher schon erfasste Adresse auswählen und speichern
  4. Danach in den allgemeinen Einstellungen ( auch nochmals die neue Auslandadresse unter "Privatadresse" erfassen und speichern. Nun sollte ein neues Fenster von Google auftauchen mit den länderspezifischen AGB's die man nun noch bestätigen muss und fertig ist's. 
  5. ggf. Google Play auf dem Handy nochmals neu laden oder Handy neu starten, dann sollte es ganz sicher klappen
Viel Spass und Erfolg!

==================== english translation =====================================

How do I switch my Google account (such as Google Play) to another country?

For the most part of the account, it is usually not so important which country you are registered, but in the Android Store / Google Play some apps are available only in some countries or at a different price and thus it's worth a conversion of the country if you're longer abroad or even migrate to another country.

I googled for long time but found nothing useful, only a few clues and a few people who were successful at random, but here the tutorial on how it works for sure:

  1. Sign in to Google and then go to Google Wallet: 
  2. There, the foreign address must be entered and selected as "default shipping address"
  3. Thereafter, in the payment methods ( enter a credit card number which has a payment address the abovementioned address abroad. If you have already entered the card and only the address still has to adjust, then right click 'Edit' and select and save the previously entered address
  4. Then in the general settings ( also enter the new foreign address and save as "home address". Now, a new window should appear with the Google country-specific "Conditions of Use" which now are to be confirmed and that's it.
  5. Maybe Google Play has to be closed and reopened on the phone or the mobile phone has to be restarted, then it should work for sure
Good luck - have fun!

Montag, 12. Januar 2015

Using Freemake Video Converter to CUT and Burn MP4, AVI etc to DVD Disc for free - all in one!!!

Using Freemake Video Converter to CUT and Burn MP4, AVI etc to DVD Disc for free - all in one!!!

  1. Download Freemake Video Converter from reliable site (e.g.
  2. Install Freemake Video Converter. Please be careful while installing. It's a FREEWARE but they have to make money in some kind. So please read every site of the install procedure very very careful and don't just click OK.
  3. Start Freemake Video Converter and drag your video file to the dashboard

  4. Click on the SCISSORS icon on right side of video to cut out things you won't have on your DVD

    cut out pieces you don't want marking left and right end and then scissors to cut

  5. Then press OK to go back to dashboard

  6. Click on "DVD" icon in the bottom to start converting and burning - just that easy and fast !!

Good luck and have fun !!!

Samstag, 10. Januar 2015

What to pay attention to when signing a business lease contract in U.S.

  1. Triple-Net-Lease: Who has to pay what additional cost? Most leases are triple-net where tenant has to cover very high cost - even repair of building (e.g. roof, ac, outside wall etc). Please be careful because this can expose you to very high risk. At least roof and outside parking should be covered by landlord in my opinion.
  2. Lease duration: please make sure, that you have possible prolongations in your contract with a fixed lease amount, so you can stay as long as you want and have not to pay astronomical amounts. Make also sure, that there are termination options from your side (tenant).
  3. Selling a business: if you have to sell your business you need something like a sublease possibility or the right to pass your lease agreement with same options to a successor.
  4. Free rent: ask your landlord for a couple of free month to get your business running with low cost. Most likely you won't make a lot of money with your store in the first 3-6 month and need to keep costs low.
  5. Restrictions: check for all restrictions as limited parking or hours of operation
  6. Fixtures: if you have to pay for additional fixtures (which are hard or impossible to sell later on) or other upgrades when moving in you should try to get some cost covered from landlord. Sometimes your landlord will grant you a discount on your lease for a certain time
  7. Buy your property: if your business is successful, maybe you want to buy the building / appartment / store later on or just prevent that the property which your rent is being sold later on to a very hard calculating real estate company. To prevent such problems you can try to add an option to buy - before someone else can buy. 
This are just a few examples how to secure reasonable costs, possible grow and success of your business. 

Good luck