Montag, 23. März 2015

How to combine multiple Goole GPS Tracks (.KMZ) so you can see all them together on one map and save this as new track?

How to combine multiple Goole GPS Tracks (.KMZ) / MyTracks so you can see all them together and save this as new track?

Goto, select 'new map' and add as much layers on the left side as you want. For every layer you import a corresponding Google GPS Track File (.KMZ)

How to edit a Google GPS Track File (.KMZ) ???

How to edit a Google GPS Track File (.KMZ) ??? 

  1. Save your Google GPS Track File (.KMZ) as local file on your computer
  2. Download and install
  3. Open this site:, select your local file as input and the ".gpx" as output format and click on 'Convert'.

    After that your new '.GPX' file is ready for download (click and download to local drive).
  4. Open the installed gpstrackeditor program and open the new .GPX file. On the right side you see all your waypoints edit them.

    Most probably you will delete some of them because you forgot to stop your GPS recording at the end of the track (;-)). There's no multi select, but you can hold down your 'del' key as long as needed ...  After that save your edited .GPX file, go back to and convert this file back to .KMZ (Google Earth KML). Download your file and replace the original one with this corrected version.
Good luck and have fun !!!

Freitag, 20. März 2015

MSI (Motherboard) Support

Unfortunately no E-Mail Address for Support so far .... :-((


MSI Computer Corp. (L.A. Office)
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HR Department: 1-626-913-0819
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    Montag, 16. März 2015 - ein technischer Fehler ist aufgetreten - ein technischer Fehler ist aufgetreten

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