Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2015

How to move photos from Android to Google Drive (to save space) and backup them on Google Photos?

How to move photos from Android to Google Drive (to save space) and backup them on Google Photos?

If you use Autosync for Google Drive to move photos from your Android phone to your Google Drive to safe space on your phone and not to loose them your problem could be that this happens before Google Photo can backup them on the cloud (Picasa, Google+, Google Photos).

How to prevent this? I've found my own solution which I've never seen on the web:

The problem: Autosync for Google Drive uses the Google Drive as destination to safe your photos, but you can't select a specific folder on the Google Drive to backup photos on Google Photos. Just either all or nothing and you probably don't want all the pictures from Google Drive on Google Photos - like me.

First I tried with a local folder and a shortcut to my local copy of Google Drive on my PC, but obviously this was either not enough or Google recognized my cheating and ignored this. 

My second attempt was to map the target folder of Autosync for Google Drive as a network drive

and add this drive to the source folders in the settings of the Google Photos Backup Program:

Obviously Google accepted this and now it works just great!

Hope you get same success.


Sonntag, 7. Juni 2015

Wie bestimme ich die Seitengrösse in Microsoft Powerpoint? How to set page size in Microsoft Powerpoint

Start / Ansicht / Folienmaster / Seite einrichten  (German Version):

How to capture / record screen video for free? Use last free FRAPS version (German site)

There use the manual installation (without adware):

Freitag, 5. Juni 2015

Convert PDF to Word (Doc / Docx) for free (no Virus, Adware, Spam)


  • Best conversion I've ever seen (even frames)


  • Free account allows only one conversion every 30 Mins. 

Dienstag, 2. Juni 2015

Speicherkarte voll bei Eye-Fi X2 Karte / Eye-Fi card memory full

I had this problem and Eye-Fi support was not able to help, but now I've found the cause of the problem. Some month ago I've started to save photos as JPG AND RAW (not only JPG) on my Nikon D5100. I guess that's why the Eye-Fi software was not copying / deleting the RAW files and the SD card filled up.

Hope it works for you as well!