Dienstag, 9. Februar 2016

How to get a Moga Controller working on a PC with Windows?

Moga Serial to Windows Interface

How to get a Moga Controller working on a PC with Windows e.g. instead of an XBOX 360 Controller with USB dongle?

Download the latest build of MogaSerial MogaSerial-v150.zip - x86 for Windows 7, 8, and 10


If direct link is not working any more ... goto https://github.com/Zel-os/MogaSerial  and download it from this site (Download section ...)
  • Extract ZIP to temp directory
  • Install driver using "ScpDriver.exe" in extracted ...."\MogaSerial-v150\ScpDriver\" directory
  • Start physical Moga Controller and set Switch to 'A'

  • Press "WIN" key and type 'blue' then click on the Bluetooth setting and start pairing the MOGA controller. If done, close the "Bluetooth Settings"
  • Start MogaSerial.exe from extracted "\MogaSerial-v150\" directory and a small GUI will be shown.
  • Scan for Bluetooth Devices:

  • Select you device from pulldown menu
  • Select SCP / Xbox for standard usage:

  • Click Connect (bottom right)

  • If OK, confirmation message will be shown

  • Have FUN !!!!

3 Kommentare:

  1. I don't have Bluetooth for my laptop so, I have external Bluetooth device install so, for MOGA XP5-X I tried to connect using Bluetooth & other devices option and it picks up the exact controller and connects with no issues but, the controller seems to be not working even though it is connect via Bluetooth. I even tried like you have directed but, not user if Mode A needs to be connected as wired since, the controller is not on while in Mode A. Extracted the Moga Serial to a folder and install the ScpDriver.exe driver but, Moga Pro controller is not listed when I try to do a search both in Mode A and Mode B. Not sure what I'm doing wrong. Tried even the other hint on the internet about holding Start and Select button for 3 second to switch between Xinput and Directinput but, not successful either in connecting to my PC. I guess MOGA is basically controller for Android device and not PC friendly.

  2. Thank you for this driver. It works amazing!
